100+ Biological classification NEET previous year question

Biological Classification NEET Questions

 The students who are appearing NEET exam should prepare for all the important chapters to secure good marks in NEET 2022. Biological classification is the second chapter categorized under the Unit Diversity In The Living World of class XI or class 11th Biology NCERT. On an average, we can expect 3-4 questions at from this particular chapter. For the NEET exam, 4% of the total biological classification neet questions from the past years have been asked from this Biological Classification chapter.

In this article we have provided you all Previous Year Biological Classification NEET Questions.

Biological Classification mcq for NEET

Qn1. Which of the following is correct about viroid:  [NEET- 2020] 

(A) They have free DNA without protein coat.
(B) They have RNA with protein coat. 

(C) They have free RNA without protein coat.
(D) They have DNA with protein coat. 

 Solution: Correct option is C.

Qn2. Mad cow disease in cattle is caused by an organism which has:  [Odisha NEET- 2019] 

(A) inert crystalline structure

(B) abnormally folded protein

(C) free RNA without protein coat

(D) free DNA without protein coat

Solution: Correct option is B.

Qn3. Which of the following statement is incorrect:  [NEET- 2019]

(A) Viroids lack a protein coat. 

(B) Viruses are obligate parasites 

(C) Infective constituent of viruses is the protein coat. 

(D) Prions consists of abnormal folded protein

Solution: Correct option is C.

Qn4. Match the organisms in column-I with habitats in column-II:  [Odisha NEET- 2019]

Column IColumn II
(a) Halophiles(i) Hot springs

(b)Thermoacidophiles(ii)Aquatic environment
(c) Methanogens   

(iii) gut of ruminants

(d) Cynobacteria      (iv) Salty areas

(A) (a)-(iv), (b)-(i), (c)-(iii), (d)-(ii)

(B) (a)-(i), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iii), (d)-(iv)

(C) (a)-(iii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(ii), (d)-(i)

(D) (a)-(ii), (b)-(iv), (c)-(iii), (d)-(i)

Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn5. Which is of the following statements is incorrect:  [NEET- 2019]
(A) Morels and truffles are edible delicacies. 

(B) Claviceps is a source of many alkaloids and LSD. 

(C) Conidia are produced exogenously and ascospores endogenously. 

(D) Yeasts have filamentous bodies with long thread-like hyphae. 

Solution: Correct option is D. 

Qn6. Match Column - I with Column - II  [NEET- 2019] 

 Column - I                              Column - II 

 (a)Saprophyte                     (i) Symbiotic association of fungi with plant roots 

 (b) Parasite                         (ii) Decomposition of dead organic materials

  (c) Lichens                         (iii) Living on living plants or animals

  (d) Mycorrhiza                    (iv) Symbiotic association of algae and fungi

  Choose the correct answer from the option given below: 

(A)a-i, b-ii , c-ii d-iv

(B) a-iii, b-ii, c-i, d-iv 

(C)a-ii, b-i, c-iii, d-iv

(D)-a-ii, b-iii, c-iv. d-i

  Solution: Correct option is D.

Qn7. Which of the following organisms are known as chief producers in the oceans:[NEET-2018]





Solution: Correct option is D.

Qn8. Ciliates differ from all other protozoans in:  [NEET- 2018]

(A)using pseudopodia for capturing prey

(B)using flagella for locomotion

(C)having two types of nuclei

(D)having a contractile vacuole for removing excess water

Solution: Correct option is C.

Qn9. Which among the following is not a prokaryote:  [NEET- 2018]

(A) Saccharomyces

(B) Mycobacterium

(C) Nostoc

(D) Oscillatoria

Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn10. After karyogamy followed by meiosis, spores are produced exogenously in:[NEET- 2018]

(A) Neurospora

(B) Alternaria

(C) Agaricus

(D) Saccharomyces

Solution: Correct option is C.

Qn11. Select the wrong statement :  [NEET- 2018]

(A) Cell wall is present in members of Fungi and Plantae

(B) Mushrooms belong to Basidiomycetes

(C) Pseudopodia are locomotory and feeding structures in sporozoans

(D) Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell in all kingdoms exept Monera

Solution: Correct option is C.

Qn12. Which of the following are found in extreme saline conditions:  [NEET- 2017]





Solution: Correct option is B.

Qn13. Which among the following are the smallest living cells, known without a definite cell wall, pathogenic to plants as well as animals and can survive without oxygen:  [NEET- 2017]





Solution: Correct option is D.

Qn14. Which of the following components provides sticky character to the bacterial cell?  [NEET- 2017]


(B)Cell wall

(C)Nuclear membrane

(D)Plasma membrane Solution: 

Correct option is A.


Qn15. DNA replication in bacteria occurs :  [NEET-2017]

(A)Within nucleolus

(B)Prior to fission

(C)Just before transcription

(D)During S phase

Solution: Correct option is B.

Qn16. The primitive prokaryotes responsible for the production of biogas from the dung of ruminant animals include the -  [NEET- 2016] 

(A) thermoacidophiles 

(B) methanogens 

(C) eubacteria 

(D) halophiles 

Solution: Correct option is B.

Qn17. Select the wrong statement.  [NEET-II 2016] 

(A) The walls of diatoms are easily destructible 

(B) 'Diatomaceous earth' is formed by the cell walls of diatoms

(C) Diatoms are chief producers in the oceans

(D) Diatoms are microscopic and float passively in water

Solution: Correct option is A. 

Qn18. Chrysophytes, Euglenoids, Dinoflagellates and Slime moulds are included in the kingdom:  [NEET-I 2016]

(A) Fungi

(B) Animalia

(C) Monera

(D) Protista

Solution: Correct option is D. 

Qn19. Which one of the following is wrong for fungi?  [NEET-II 2016]

(A) They are eukaryotic 

(B) All fungi possess a purely cellulosic cell wall. 

(C) They are heterotrophic

(D) They are both unicellular and multicellular

Solution: Correct option is B. 

Qn20. Methanogens belong to:  [NEET II 2016] 

(A) eubacteria

(B) archaebacteria

(C) dinoflagellates

(D) slime moulds

Solution: Correct option is B.

Qn21. One of the major components of cell wall of most fungi is:  [NEET-I 2016]

(A) Chitin

(B) Peptidoglycan

(C) Cellulose

(D) Hemicellulose

Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn22. Which one of the following statements is wrong:  [NEET-I 2016]

(A) Cyanobacteria are also called blue-green-algae.

(B) Golden algae are also called desmids.

(C) Eubacteria are also called false bacteria.

(D) Phycomycetes are also called algal fungi.

Solution: Correct option is C.

Qn23. The imperfect fungi which are decomposers of litter and help in mineral cycling belong to:  [NEET- 2015]

(A) Ascomycetes

(B) Deuteromycetes

(C) Basidiomycetes

(D) Phycomycetes

Solution: Correct option is B.

Qn24. The structures that help some bacteria to attach to rocks and/or host tissues are:  [NEET- 2015]

(A) rhizoids


(C) mesosomes

(D) holdfast

Solution: Correct option is B.

Qn25. Select the wrong statement.  [NEET- 2015]

(A)W.M. Stanley showed that viruses could be crystallised

(B) The term contagium vivum fluidium was coined by M.W. Beijerinek

(C) Mosaic disease in tobacco and AIDS in human being are caused by viruses

(D) The viroids were discovered by D.J. Ivanowsky.

Solution: Correct option is D.

Qn26. In which group of organisms the cell walls form two thin overlapping shells which fit together?  [NEET- 2015]

(A) Chrysophytes

(B) Euglenoids

(C) Dinoflagellates

(D) Slime moulds

Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn27. Pick up the wrong statement  [NEET- 2015]

(A) Protista have photosynthetic and
 heterotrophic modes of nutrition

(B) Some fungi are edible 

(C) Nuclear membrane is present in Monera 

(D) Cell wall is absent in Animalia

Solution: Correct option is C. 

Qn28. Choose the wrong statement. [NEET- 2015]

(A) Neurospora is used in the study of biochemical genetics

(B) Morels and truffles are poisonous mushrooms

(C) Yeast is unicellular and useful in fermentation

(D) Penicillium is multicellular and produces antibiotics

Solution: Correct option is B.

Qn29. Cell wall is absent in:  [NEET- 2015]

(A) Funaria

(B) Mycoplasma

(C) Nostoc

(D) Aspergillus

Solution: Correct option is B.

Qn30. True nucleus is absent in:  [NEET- 2015 Cancelled]

(A) Mucor

(B) Vaucheria

(C) Volvox

(D) anabaena

Solution: Correct option is D.

Qn31. Five kingdom system of classification suggested by R.H. Whittaker is not based on:  [NEET-2014] 

 (A) Presence or absence of a well defined nucleus

(B) Mode of reproduction

(C) Mode of nutrition

(D) Complexity of body organisation

Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn32. Which of the following shows coiled RNA strand and capsomeres?  [NEET-2014]

(A) Polio virus

(B) Tobacco mosaic virus

(C) Measles virus

(D) Retrovirus

Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn33. Viruses have:  [NEET-2014]

(A) DNA enclosed in a protein coat

(B) Prokaryotic nucleus 

(C) Single chromosome

(D) either DNA and RNA

Solution: Correct option is D.

Qn34. Archaebacteria differ from eubacteria in:  [NEET- 2014]

(A) cell membrane structure

(B) mode of nutrition

(C) cell shape

(D) mode of reproduction

Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn35. Which structures perform the function of mitochondria in bacteria:  [NEET-2014]

(A) Cell wall

 (B) Mesosomes

 (C) Nucleoid 

 (D) Ribosomes

 Solution: Correct option is B.

  Qn36. The motile bacteria are also to move by:  [NEET-2014]

(A) Pili

 (B) Fimbriae

 (C) Flagella 

 (D) Cilia

 Solution: Correct option is C.

Qn37. Anoxygenic photosynthesis is characteristic of:  [NEET-2014]

(A) Ulva

 (B) Rhodospirillum

 (C) Spirogyra

 (D) Chlamydomonas 

 Solution: Correct option is D.

Qn38. Which of the following are likely to be present in deep sea water?  [NEET-2013]

(a) Archaebacteria

 (b) Eubacteria 

 (c) Blue-green algae

 (d) Saprophytic fungi 

 Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn39. Pigment-containing membranous extensions in some cyanobacteria are:  [NEET-2013] 

 (A) heterocysts

 (B) basal bodies

 (C) pneumatophores

 (D) chromatophores

 Solution: Correct option is D.

Qn40. Why is a capsule advantageous to a bacterium?  [Karnatka NEET-2013]

(A) It protects the bacterium from desiccation.

 (B) It provides means of locomotion.

 (C) It allows bacterium to “hide” from host’s immune system.

 (D) Both (a) and (c).

 Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn41. Which one of the following is true for fungi:  [Karnatka NEET-2013]

(A)They are heterotrophs.

 (B)They lack nuclear membrane.

 (C)They are unicellular

 (D) They lack rigid cell wall

 Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn42. Which statement is wrong for viruses?  [NEET-2012]

(A) All are parasites

 (B) All of them have helical symmetry

 (C) They have the ability to synthesise nucleic acids and proteins

 (D) Antibiotics have no effect on them 

 Solution: Correct option is B. 

Qn43. Maximum nutritional diversity is found in the group:  [NEET-2012]

(A) Plantae

(B) Animalia

(C) Fungi

(D) Monera 

 Solution: Correct option is D.

Qn44. Nuclear membrane is absent in:  [NEET-2012]

(A) Penicillium

 (B) Agaricus

 (C) Volvox

 (D) Nostoc 

 Solution: Correct option is D. 

Qn45. The cyanobacteria are also referred to as:  [NEET-2012]

(A) protists

 (B) golden algae

 (C) slime moulds

 (D) blue-green algae 

 Solution: Correct option is D.

Qn46. The most abundant prokaryotes helpful to human in making curd from milk and in production of antibiotics are the ones categorised as:  [NEET-2012]
 (A) cyanobacteria

 (B) archaebacteria 

 (C) chemosynthetic autotrophs

 (D) heterotrophic bacteria

 Solution: Correct option is D. 

Qn47. Which one single organism or the pair of organisms is correctly assigned to its or their named taxonomic group:  [NEET-2012]

(A)Yeast used in making bread and beer is a fungus

(B)Nostoc and Anabaena are examples of protista

(C)Paramecium and Plasmodium belong to the same kingdom as that of Penicillium

(D)Lichen is composite organism formed from the symbiotic association of an algae and a protozoan

Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn48. Which one of the following microbes forms symbiotic association with plants and helps them in their nutrition?  [NEET-2012]

(A) Azotobacter

(B) Aspergillus

(C) Glomus

(D) Trichoderma

Solution: Correct option is C.

Qn49. In the five - kingdom classification Chlamydomonas and Chlorella have been included in:
[Mains 2012]

(A) Algae

(B) Protista

(C) Plantae

(D) Monera

Solution: Correct option is B. 

Qn50. Which one of the following also acts as a catalyst in a bacterial cell?  [NEET- 2011]

(A) sn RNA

(B) hn RNA

(C) 23S rRNA

(D) 5S rRNA

Solution: Correct option is C.

Qn51. In eubacteria, a cellular component that resembles eukaryotic cells is:  [NEET-2011]

(A) nucleus

(B) ribosomes

(C) cell wall

(D) plasma membrane

Solution: Correct option is D.

Qn52. Which one of the following organisms is not an example of eukaryotic cells?  [NEET-2011]

(A) Escherichia coli

(B) Euglena viridis

(C) Amoeba proteus

(D) Paramecium caudatum

Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn53. Which one of the following is wrongly matched:  [NEET-2011]

(A) Cassia - Imbricate aestivation

(B) Root pressure - Guttation

(C) Puccinia - Smut

(D) Root - Exarch protoxylem

Solution: Correct option is C.

Qn54. The pathogen Microsporum responsible for ringworm disease in humans belongs to the same Kingdom of organisms as that of:  [Mains-2011]

(A) Taenia, a tapeworm

(B) Wuchereia, a filarial worm

(C) Rhizopus, a mould

(D) Ascaris, a round worm

Solution: Correct option is C.

Qn55. Virus envelope is known as:  [NEET-2010]

(A) capsid

(B) virion

(C) nucleoprotein

(D) core

Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn56. Single-celled eukaryotes are included in Kingdom:  [NEET-2010]



(C) Plantae

(D) Monera

Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn57. Some hyperthermophilic organisms that grow in highly acidic habitats belong to the two groups called:  [NEET-2010]

(A) eubacteria and archaea

(B) cyanobacteria and diatoms

(C) protists and mosses

(D) liverworts and yeasts

Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn58. One of the free-living, anaerobic nitrogen-fixer is Or which of the following is a photoautotrophic bacterium:  [NEET-2010]

(A) Azotobacter

(B) Beijernickia

(C) Rhodospirillum

(D) Rhizobiu

Solution: Correct option is C.

Qn59. Membrane bound organelles are absent in:  [NEET-2010]

(A) Saccharomyces

(B) Streptococcus

(C) Plasmodium

(D) Chlamydomonas

Solution: Correct option is B.

Qn60. Given below is the diagram of a bacteriophage.  [Mains-2010]

biological classification neet questions

In which one of the options all the four parts A, B, C, and D are correct?

 (A)A - Tail fibres, B - Head, C - Sheath, D -collar

(B)A - Sheath, B - Collar, C - Head, D - Tail fibres

 (C)A - Head, B - Sheath, C - Collar, D - Tail  fibres 

(D)A - Collar, B - Tail fibres, C - Head, D - Sheath

Solution: Correct option is C.

Qn61. Select the correct combination of the statement of the statement ( A − D )  regarding the characteristics of certain organisms:  [Mains-2]

 (a) Methanogens are Archaebacteria which produce methane in marshy areas

  (b) Nostoc is a filamentous blue-green algae which fixes atmospheric nitrogen 

 (c) Chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria synthesize cellulose from glucose

  (d) Mycoplasma lack a cell and cen survive without oxygen The correct statement are

  (A) b,c 
 (B) a,b,c 
 (C) b,c,d
  (D) a,b,d 
 Solution: Correct option is D.

Qn62. Black rust of wheat is caused by:  [Mains-2010]

(A) Puccinia graminis 

 (B) Ustilago

  (C) Pythium

  (D)None of these

  Solution: Correct option is A.  

Qn63. Phylogenetic system of classification is mainly based on: [2009] 

 (A) embryological characters

  (B) evolutionary characters 

 (C) morphological Characters

  (D) oral characters

  Solution: Correct option is B..

Qn64. T.O. Diener discovered a/an:  [2009]

 (A) Free infectious DNA

 (B) Infectious protein

 (C) Bacteriophage

 (D) Free infectious RNA

  Solution: Correct option is D. 

Qn65. Oxygenic photosynthesis occurs in:  [2009]

  (A) Chromatium

  (B) Oscillatoria

  (C) Rhodospirillum

  (D) Chlorobium

  Solution: Correct option is B.

Qn66. Which of the following is a symbiotic nitrogen fixer?  [2009]

(A) Azolla 

(B) Glomus

 (C) Azotobacter

 (D) Frankia

Solution: Correct option is D.
Qn67. Which one is the wrong pairing for the disease and its causal organism?  [2009]

(A) Late blight of potato - Alternaria solani

(B) Black rust of wheat - Puccinia graminis

 (C) Loose smut of wheat - Ustilago nuda

 (D) Roolknotof vegetables - Meloidogyne sp. kingdom fungi

  Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn68. Bacterial leaf blight of rice is caused by a species of:  [2008]

  (A) Xanthomonas

  (B) Pseudomonas

  (C) Alternaria

  (D) Erwinia

  Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn69. Thermococcus, Methanococcus and Methanobacterium exemplify:  [2008] 

 (A) bacteria whose DNA is relaxed or supercoiled but which have a cytoskeleton as well as mitochondria 

 (B) bacteria that contain a cytoskeleton and ribosomes and endoplasmic reticulum

  (C) archaebacteria that contain protein homologous to eukaryotic core histones

  (D) archaebacteria that lack any histones resembling those found in eukaryotes but whose DNA is negatively supercoiled. 

 Solution: Correct option is C. 

Qn70. In the light of recent classification of living organisms into three domains of life (bacteria, archaea and eukarya), which one of the following statements is true about Archea?  [2008]

 (A) Archaea completely differ from

 (B) Archaea resemble eukarya in all respects.

 (C) Archaea have some novel features that are absent in other prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

 (D) Archaea completely differ from both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

 Solution: Correct option is C.

Qn71. Which of the following is a slime mold?  [2007] 

 (A) Rhizopus

  (b) Physarum

  (c) Thiobacillus

  (d) Anabaena 

 Solution: Correct option is B.

Qn72. Which one of the following stateme
Statementsnts about Mycoplasma is wrong?  [2007] 

 (A) They are also called ppLO 

 (B) They are pleomorphic

 (C) They are sensitive to penicillin

 (D) They cause disease in plants

  Solution: Correct option is B. 

Qn73. Which pair of the following belongs to Basidiomycetes?  [2007] 

 (A) Birds nest fungi and puff balls

  (B) Puff balls and Claviceps

  (C) Peziza and stink horns 

 (D) Morchella and mushrooms

  Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn74. Curing of tea leaves is brought about by the activity of:  [2006]

  (A) Viruses

  (B) Fungi

  (C) Bacteria

  (D) Mycorrhiza 

 Solution: Correct option is C.

Qn75. Which of the following environmental conditions are essential for optimum growth of Mucor on a piece of bread?  [2006]

(A) Temperature of about 250 °C.

 (B) Temperature of about 5°C.

 (C) Relative humidity of about 5%.

 (D) Relative humidity of about 95%.

 (E) A shady place. 

(F) A brightly illuminated place.

(A) B and D only 
(B) B, C and F only 
(C) A, C and E only
(D) A, D and E only

  Solution: Correct option is D.   

Qn76. All of the following statements concerning the actinomycetes filamentous soil bacterium Frankia are correct except that Frankia:  [2005]

(A) can induce root nodules on many plant species 

(B) cannot fix nitrogen in free living state

(C) cannot fix specialised vesicles in which the nitrogenase is protected from oxygen by a chemical barrier involving triterpene hopanoids.
(D) like Rhizobium, it usually infects its host plant through root hair deformation and stimulates cell proliferation in the host's cortex 

 Solution: Correct option is B. 

Qn77. For retting of jute the fermenting microbe used is:  [2005] 

  (A) Methophilic bacteria 

  (B) Butyric acid Bac

  (C) Helicobactor pylori

  (D) Streptococcus lactin

  Solution: Correct option is B.

Qn78. Barophilic prokaryotes -  [2005]

 (A) Grow slowly in highly alkaline frozen lakes at high altitudes

 (B) Grow and multiply in very deep marine sediments

 (C) Readily grow and divide in sea water enriched in any soluble salt of barium

 (D) Occur in water containing high concentration of barium hydroxide

Solution: Correct option is B. 

Qn79. There exists a close association between the alga and the fungus within a lichen. The fungus :  [2005] 

  (A) provides protection, anchorage and absorption for the alga

  (B) provides food for the alga

  (C) fixes the atmospheric nitrogen for the aiga 

  (D) release oxygen for the alga kingdom Solution: Correct option is A. 

Qn80. Which of the following statements is not true for retroviruses:  [2004]

(A) DNA is not present at any stage in the life cycle of retroviruses

  (B) Retroviruses carry gene for RNA dependent DNA polymerase

  (C) The genetic material in mature retroviruses is RNA

  (D) Retroviruses are causative agents for certain kinds of cancer ln ma 

Solution: Correct option is A. 

Qn81. Viruses that infect bacteria, multiply and cause their lysis are called:  [NEET-2004]

 (A) lysozymes

 (B) lytic 

 (C) lipolytic

 (D) lysogenic 

 Solution: Correct option is B.

Qn82. Phenetic classification of organisms is based on?  [2004,2003]

(A) Dendrogram based on DNA characteristics.

 (B) Sexual characteristics. 

(C) Observable characteristics of existing organisms.

 (D) The ancestral lineage of existing organisms.

Solution: Correct option is C.

Qn83. A free living nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium which can also form symbiotic association with the water fern Azolla is:  [2004]

(A) Tolypothrix

 (B) Chlorella

 (C) Nostoc 

 (D) Anabaena

 Solution: Correct option is D.

Qn84. During replication of a bacterial chromosome DNA synthesis starts from a replication origin site and:  [2004]

  (A) RNA primers are involved

  (B) is facilitated by telomerase

  (C) moves in one direction of the site

  (D) move in bi-directional way 

 Solution: Correct option is D.

Qn85. Lichens are well known combination of an algae and a fungus, where fungus has:  [2014]

  (A) a saprophytic relationship with the algae

  (B) an epiphytic relationship with the algae

  (C) a parasitic relationship with the algae

  (D) a symbiotic relationship with the algae

  Solution: Correct option is D.

Qn86. Chromosomes in a bacterial cell can be 1-3 in number and:   [2003]

 (A) can be circular as well as linear within the same cell

 (B) are always circular
 (C) are always linear

 (D) can be either circular or linear, but never both within the same cell 

 Solution: Correct option is D. 

Qn87. Which one of the following statements about viruses is correct:  [2003]

  (A) Viruses possess their own metabolic system

  (B) Viruses contain either DNA or RNA

  (C) Viruses are facultative parasites

  (D) Viruses are readily killed by antibiotics 

 Solution: Correct option is B.

Qn88. Tobacco mosaic virus is a tubular filament of size:  [2003] 

 (A) 700 x 30 nm

  (B) 300 x 10 nm

  (C) 300 x 5 nm

  (D) 300 x 18 nm 

 Solution: Correct option is D.

Qn89. Viruses are no more 'alive' than isolated chromosomes because:  [2003]

(A) both require the environment of a cell to replicate 

 (B) they require both RNA and DNA

 (C) they both need food molecules

 (D) they both require oxygen for respiration

  Solution: Correct option is A.   

Qn90. In which kingdom would you include archaea and nitrogen-fixing organisms in the five-kingdom classification?  [2003] 

(A) Plantae

 (B) Fungi 

(C) Protista 

(D) Monera

Solution: Correct option is D.

Qn91. In five kingdom system, the main basis of classification :  [2002] 

(A) Structural of nucleus 

(B) Nutrition

 (C) Structure of cell wall 

(D) Asexual reproduction

Solution: Correct option is B. 

Qn92. Which statements is correct for bacterial transduction ?  [2002]

(A) Transfer of some genes from one bacteria to another bacteria through virus 

 (B) Transfer of genes from one bacteria to another bacteria by conjugation

  (C) Bacteria obtained its DNA directly

  (D) Bacteria obtained DNA from other external scurce

  Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn93. The growth curve of bacterial population in lab is plotted against time' What will be the shape of graph?  [2002] 

 (A) Sigmoid 

 (B) Hyperbolic

  (C) Ascending straight line 

 (D) Descending straight line 

 Solution: Correct option is B.

Qn94. Some bacteria are able to grow in Streptomycin containing medium due to:  [2002]

(A)Natural selection

(B)Induced mutation

(C)Reproductive isolation

(D)Genetic drift A.

 Solution: Correct option is A. 

Qn95. In bacteria, plasmid is:  [2002]

(A) extrachromosomal material

(B) main DNA

(C) non-functional DNA

(D) repetitive gene

Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn96. Choose the correct sequence of stages of growth curve for bacteria:  [2002]

(A) lag, log, stationary, decline phase

(B) lag, log, stationary phase

(C) stationary, lag, log, decline phase

(D) decline, lag, log phase

Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn97. Which fungal disease spreads by seed and flowers?  [2002]

(A) Loose smut of wheat

(B) Corn stunt

(C) Covered smut of barley

(D) Soft rot of potato

Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn98. Which of the following secretes toxins during storage condition of crop plants:  [2002]

(A) Fusarium


(C) Aspergillus

(D) Colletotrichum

Solution: Correct option is C.

Qn99. Cauliflower mosaic virus contains:  [2001]

(A) ssRNA

(B) dsRNA

(C) dsDNA

(D) ssDNA

Solution: Correct option is C.

Qn100. What is true for cyanobacteria?  [2001]

(A) Oxygenic with nitrogenase

(B) Oxygenic without nitrogenase

(C) Non-oxygenic with nitrogenase

(D) Non-oxygenic without nitrogenase

Solution: Correct option is A. 

Qn101. What is true for archaebacteria?  [2001]
(A) All halophiles

(B) All photosynthetic

(C) All fossils

(D) Oldest living beings

Solution: Correct option is D.

Qn102. Adhesive pad of fungi penetrates the host with the help of:  [2001]

(A) mechanical pressure and enzymes:

(B) hooks and suckers

(C) softening by enzymes

(D) only by mechanical pressure

Solution: Correct option is A.

Qn103. Black rust of wheat is caused by:  [2000]

(A) Puccinia

 (B) Ustilago

 (C) Albugo

 (D) Phytophthora

Solution: Correct option is A.

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